PASSIVE INCOME KINGS is your one-stop-shop for discovering how to create new streams of income through:
Real Estate Investing
We cover all aspects of investing in residential and commercial real estate, both on a physical and crowdsourced basis.
Royalties Investing
Our team highlights ways to build passive income streams through royalties earnings – publishing Kindle and print-on-demand books on Amazon, and getting started selling digital products on Etsy – it’s all here.
Dividends Through Stocks and Bonds
Our content creators dive deep into how to create passive income streams through investing in the equities markets.
Our team uncovers tricks and tips to build passive income-generating merch websites based on your social media presence.
Better Financial Management
Our passionate writers delve into opportunities to streamline your finances, through a number of tactics to increase cash flow and save money.
AI Content Generation
We uncover the secrets to using powerful tools such as ChatGPT to build digital products and launch your web presence quickly.